Friday, May 09, 2008

The Drive Home

Leaving Cambria, I had two choices...returning via a short connector road to US101 or going up US 1. I let the navigating system tell me which way to go...I went up 1 which is a curvy, winding road along the beautiful coast. Not really a good idea since I was not feeling very well. I had to stop several times to just rest and at one point pulled along side the road and had a quick 20 minute nap. Needless to say, the drive was much longer and harder than going back up 101.

But I would not have seen these fellows practicing for the big time!

Young bull elephant can tell they are young because their nose is not all bulbous and their bodies aren't all scarred. They duke it out for mating rights but if I remember correctly, these young guys won't have a change when the big guys come's like a light-weight fighter versus a huge sumo wrestler!

this one got a nip in....

Facing off with lots and lots of noise
there were about seven or eight right in this immediate area and they would take turns with each other....


Linda Cline said...

Those are the cutest little elephant seals I have seen. Although I guess they are bigger than they look in your pictures. Looks like you were able to get fairly close.

Unknown said...

Hope you have recovered from the curvy road!! These guys are so cute - love the wrinkly skin on the left - rather like my waist!!!! :-)